Monday, June 6, 2016

Back from holiday-

We were away (again) for a school break, up towards the Peak's district and Leeds.  I haven't even downloaded all the photos - there are a ton and I'm scared of getting started.

We were busy - lots of biking, hiking and a few lunches at National Trust properties.  Then a day working at Leeds giving talks and meeting with folks in the department.  We ended with a wonderful day having lunch near Skipton and going on a beautiful hike with two other work colleagues and a total of 6 of their children - 8 InSAR children in all!  We dutifully arranged them all by height and took some pictures.

For sewing - I am just barely on track for my crochet tablecloth, although I'm afraid that it is too small as is and that I'm going to need some extra time to crochet on a wider border.  I made it completely through the 3rd Alabama Chanin skirt panel, so now I have just one to go on that front.  I might do a push to get that 4th one done - my mother is coming in a couple weeks and I'd love to have her see it!

I did a lot of work while we drove - usually a big no-no for me since I get terribly car sick.  I managed to escape un-scathed this time.  That was good, since we were so exhausted in the evenings that I just conked off to sleep most nights or had actual work things I needed to stay on top of.

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