Friday, July 29, 2016

Last day!

We performed a massive cull on mostly-done coloring books and extra pens, and managed to get EVERYTHING into 2 large + 2 small suitcases, 2 adult backpacks, 1 small duffel and the girls two small backpacks.  I didn't get to keep the tall rubber boots I bought in Cornwall.  :(  They're just too big, and I do have a pair at home that are perfectly good.  I'll survive. 

Over the past week we stayed in a hotel near Birmingham (great pool!!!!) one night on our way to 3 nights in hostels in the Lake district (Ambleside, then 2 nights in Eskdale).  Oh my goodness, I can't say enough about Eskdale.  I could have gone there for all of our trips - we didn't see even the smallest part of what was there.  One of the mornings the girls impulsively wanted to walk the fairly steep hostel path up a hill - this, the day after Jeanne had announced that she didn't like hiking any  more.  So proud! 

Hadrian's wall (we went to one of the old forts) was also very nice, although we didn't spend very much time there.  The girls loved dressing up and then getting to walk around the whole area in the dress up clothes.  Jeanne is thoroughly out of princess mode and gravitates towards the "gentleman" and "warrior" clothes at all of these places now.  She still likes the pretty embroidered Alabama Chanin item I made for her, and wears it almost every other day - but I think it's because it just comes right below her hips and isn't a dress that restricts her movement at all.  Whereas, Miriam lives in the hold smocked lawn dress I made years back for Jeanne - it's below her knees and DEFINITELY gets in her way.  But she loves it.  Just today she realized that I made it and looked at me in awe. Ha.  :)

In about half an hour we leave this last hotel (Glasgow is also lovely and worthy of at least a week!) and head out to the airport.  Then, Reykjavik, then Chicago.  I suppose my Fantasy Friday wish today is that there aren't any major travel disruptions!

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