Saturday, April 29, 2017

Final SWAP top done

I've finished my tank, using the same pattern from the other top (Simplicity 1070) but leaving off the sleeves and just binding the armhole and neck edges.  Changes from the long-sleeved version:

Neck edge - pulled on the binding more when I was serging it to the edge, so that it pulls the neckline in and it doesn't sag outwards like the other version.  I also folded the binding to the inside, topstitched by hand, and then trimmed.

Side seams - my other version is snug at the hips - not tight, but snug, which means it rides up and pools in the back.  Not a swayback issue, but it looks similar.  This time I just let out the sides a bit as I sewed, grading to about 1/4 extra on each side at the hip.  Now the top just skirts my curves and doesn't ride up when I'm standing.  I can feel it pooling a little in my lower back when I'm sitting now, but I think that's inevitable for a top this long.

Pics:  Inside, showing the knots and facing of neck/armholes.

Outside - I left most of the stamen unsnipped and like that.  Except one, that I snipped before making that decision.  Oh well.

Outside view, on me!  No back view, sorry!  It's plain, which is a little bit jarring after the embellished front.  When I planned all this out I was still worried about how stretchy or not stretchy the embellished pieces would be.

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