Sunday, May 8, 2016


The bolero from before really doesn't fit me very well, but I really wanted a short bolero-style topper.  The front of the bolero keeps flopping open, too, despite the fact that it's too small.  Or, perhaps, because of that. 

So-  I spent 50 pence on a charity shop T-shirt that was really great fabric and color.  I cut it down the front with a curved bottom, and cropped it off at my ribcage (it was already quite short!).
 I left the neck binding on there, mostly because it was a pain to take out.  I left the top corner in place and added a corset-stye closure to it.  I like it since it's nice and sturdy.  I also added beading, and used a featherstitch.  I only did beading at the middle top, since that's all I had.

I added a small flower at the back where the feather stitch changes direction.

1 comment:

  1. Nice featherstitch! I attempted it once and abandoned it in favor of an easier stitch. Like your beading, too.
