Thursday, July 21, 2016

2 days to go-

Sewing has taken a back seat to cleaning and packing - we are leaving our cute little university housing unit and stuffing ourselves and all of our possessions into a rental care on Saturday morning.  Still not 100% sure that it will all fit - today was trash and recycling pickup day, so we'd had a maelstrom of paper sorting, fridge culling, etc., going on leading up to our last opportunity to actually get rid of things.  We didn't buy much - the school clothes that aren't being donated and the 3-4 items of clothing for me would fit into a grocery bag.  And we got rid of more than that through donations and culling of clothing that just wore out.  But I'm still afraid it won't all fit!

In the little bit of craft time I have I'm just trying to not get too far behind on my tablecloth project.  I'm supposed to do about 1 row a day, and so far in July I've only done 12 - I'm 9 behind!  I'm faster now - can do about a row and a half in half an hour.  So I do think I'll catch up.

The agenda for our trip includes an initial night at a random hotel in Birmingham that has a pool (critical for the kids!), then stays in two different hostels over 3 nights in the Lake district, then 2 final nights in a hotel in Glasgow (also a pool!) before our flight out on the last afternoon.

I really want to work on my AC silver tank top!  If I catch up on my tablecloth rows, I'll reward myself with a night where that's all I do.

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