Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Vogue 1440 in linen

Vogue 1440 take 2, in a nice white linen, is now cut out with all the fiddly work on the fronts done.  I made a mistake already!  I decided to use the selvedge when I cut them out, along the front edges that get folded over twice for the placket.  Well-  one of the selvedges had a black thread running through it and it shows through a bit!  It's very straight (yay for basting!), so I'm not sure it's a terrible thing. There's not a whole lot I can do about it now.  I also messed up my princess seam on the 2nd side seam, so instead it's just got a normal, zig-zagged seam on the inside.

The forest sprite has expanded into other areas of my sewing room and now wants shorts.  We picked out a pattern and some fabric remnants, and have cut them out.  Hubby is away for 4 days, so I'll try to help her sew as much as I can while the mini-sprite throws tantrums about how she isn't allowed to use my serious fabric scissors (she is 4).

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