Monday, October 24, 2016

Simplicity 3688

As the temperatures dropped pretty suddenly here into the low 40's, I found myself needing a warm, cozy skirt for work.  Enter Simplicity 3688 (4th time!)  Also - I clearly need to do more situps since my posture in these photos is weird (front sagging downwards).

Looking at the photos, the length would probably be better about 1" higher.  I can certainly make that adjustment later on after I wash it (might shrink!).  Fabric is a heavy Kaufman flannel that I'd originally meant for a long smocked robe (5 yards!).  But with so much on my plate, and with a perfectly nice flannel robe in my closet (made by my mom), I finally decided that it was just not going to happen.  So - this weekend my eldest and I cut into the fabric - a skirt for me and a PJ set for her.  I have a little under a yard left and think that I'll make a matching outfit for her doll for her birthday coming up in 2 weeks.

Notes - look at that zipper.  It is all over the place.  I suppose it pulls towards the back because of my big bum/wide hips.  The pattern pieces are exactly the same front and back, so I suppose it's not surprising at all that the side seams don't hang straight.  Perhaps I will try and address this at the next iteration.  It's probably just a matter of taking some of the fullness at the widest part of my hip and transferring it from the front pieces to the back.  And then I suppose I'd let them hang straight from there.  Might need to go to stitchers guild for help on this. 

As before, I have chosen a size (14 at hips, 12 at waist) where the skirt without the waistband sits gently on my body, not too type and no gapping.  Then I fit the waistband a WEE bit tighter and work the ease in as I sew.  I'd say there is probably only about one inch of ease that I take in over the whole skirt.  But that's enough to make it feel nice and firm at my waist.

I don't see a lot of these full-ish skirts with natural waistlines on campus, but it makes me feel rather professional, particularly in the flannel. 

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