Wednesday, October 12, 2016


I got some kind comments about the yellow textured scuba dress from here and on pattern review, but I wasn't comfortable in it and that is what matters most.  So....chop chop!!!

 So much better, at least in my view.  The hem is actually straight, I'm just at an angle there.  I've now worn the top 3 times!  This fabric is nice for fall - it is dense enough that no breezes get through it at all, but it still feels light and even cool when I'm inside in the heated office.  I might make this again, in another fabric, since I like the neckline a lot.

In other news, I've been making lots and lots of dots!

This is tablecloth #2 for my mom, hopefully to be completed before her birthday in early november.  Here's the story - they have a large, WIDE table that fits the whole family at Christmas.  But it's hard to get tablecloths that are wide enough.  Last year my mom was regretting that she didn't have something sparkly and festive.  That's what gave me the idea for the crochet tablecloth, but it is going to be too small for the full extension of the table.  Then I got inspired by the following Kaufman fabric:

It's got little foil dots all over it.  But it's only 45" wide.  For the above project, I bought a couple yards of extra wide, nice sateen (118" wide!) and have been pouncing my own little metallic dots all over it.  I'm using Jacquard paint in bright gold, and a small foam pouncer (Martha Stewart brand). 

So far I'm a little disappointed that the dots aren't shinier - they are gold and sparkly, but not foil-like.  I'm considering going over each of them with a paint brush and some glow-in-the-dark puffy paint.  Test samples worked well - the light layer of paint makes it shiny, but the gold still dominates.  And I love the idea of the cloth glowing a bit in the dark!  It's also not too slow with the paint brush once you have the pounced dots to start with - the paint kind of sticks to paint and you can go pretty quickly.


  1. I agree with you on the top/dress. And the fact you feel more comfortable when wearing it says it all.

    Love the tablecloth, it's going to look wonderful for your family Christmas! For future reference, Pebeo Setacolor Opaque makes wonderful metallic fabric paints. Very shiny and sparkly, very metallic looking. They are a little stiff, but wash and wear well.

  2. Thanks! And thanks for the tip on paint- this Jacquard stuff was pretty expensive so I expected it to pretty much walk on water. Oh well - I still have enough left to paint my daughter's gold cardboard crown for Halloween!
