Wednesday, August 31, 2016

So much fabric!

I feel like I'm swimming in the luxury of having my sewing machine and wide swath of kitchen countertop available for cutting again.  No pics today, but some progress notes.  I finished the "geodesy" dress i was making - a print with old maps rendered in dark blue and white lines, for an upcoming geology/geophysics meeting I'm going to in about a week and a half. 

It was Butterick 6066, without the little cap sleeves:

My main mistake was that I didn't think about whether the design would be centered on the fold when I cut the skirt.  It was not!  I ended up with one of the white lines being about 4 inches away from the front of the skirt, while the bodice was centered perfectly.  I didn't have enough fabric to recut, but instead recut piece I'd already cut and added a strip on the side, near the side seam.  It's pretty unobtrusive, and now I have a white line going down the whole front, uninterrupted.

I cut the whole thing a bit on the tight side, since I was worried about gapping at the armholes.  I need photographs, but I'm happy with the non-gap!  I can't breathe too well, though... I'll still wear it to the conference, but I'm not sure it'll be used all that often otherwise.

I also shaved off about 2cm as a sliver from the bottom of the back skirt, tapering to the side seams.  I have no bottom, just hips, and skirts always seem to droop noticeably at the back.  I'm hoping this will be the first of numerous successful experiments to fix this problem!

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