Thursday, September 1, 2016

Butterick 6066, finished photos and Alabama Chanin progress

First off, I've been busy on the hand-sewing front! We've been watching dvd's of the series "7-up" which follows several English children every 7 years since the 60's. It's been amazing. Here's my progress on the front (nothing on the back, yet):

Most of that silver paint will wash off, so it won't be so shiny.  It's still pretty wild! Closeup:

I think I'm about 75% done with the front, and I'm getting a bit faster. A lot of the silver paint didn't stay on well, so I have to guess a bit at the motifs. I'm cutting as I go since I love to see the result!

I also am wearing my new Butterick 6066 today at work (perhaps with a sweater when I meet with students), and am planning to wear it to Palm Springs in a week and a half.

Front - there's a waist seam in there, but note that the white line goes ALL the way down the front.  Okay, it's off by a smidge.

Back motifs not centered, a bit unfortunate.  Whoops.  Didn't have enough fabric. And some noticeable pooling in my back.  This is odd to me since I have no butt at all.  Just wide hips.  I'll have to think about the geometry there since I'd love to come up with an adjustment that would work for me.

Can you see the patch strip I had to put in on the side when I recut the front?  It's there, but not too noticeable.  And woah, I look busty.  I didn't notice that this pattern had different pieces for different cup sizes!  Because, well, life.  I was still dealing with our sewage/well/childcare issues at this point.  When I sewed it I shaved a bunch off of the front pieces, trying to make them as close to the B-cup as I could (this was a D-cup!) without making it not fit at the waist.  But it's still got a little room there.  So...I wear it with my most structured bra, stand up straight and just let hubby enjoy the view!

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